
Exploration of world problems through the lens of mathematical modeling.

Looking for undergraduate researchers at Scripps College and the Claremont Colleges.

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Whether you are interested in the topics mentioned above or want to explore a different area of mathematical modeling, please reach out.

See the Contact Page for more details, or use the email link below.

Control Theory Applied to Invasive Species

To formulate management strategies for dealing with invasive species I use techniques from control theory, including optimal and adaptive control.

Deterministic and Stochastic Models for Epidemiology

When developing models for a variety of infectious diseases, I utilize deterministic and stochastic dynamics along with heterogeneous populations. 

Variety of Mathematical Models and Applications

Additionally, I am a part of various projects based on immunology,  elephants, federalism, and other applications using techniques from mathematics, statistics, and data science. 


Christina J. Edholm, Maryann E. Hohn, Nicole L. Falicov, Emily Y. Lee, Lily N. Wartman, Ami E. Radunskaya, To Open or Not to Open: Developing a COVID-19 Model Specific to Small Residential Campuses, CODEE, 17 (2024)

Emily Howerton, Kyle Dahlin, Christina J. Edholm, Lindsey Fox, Margaret Reynolds, Brandon Hollingsworth, George Lytle, Melody Walker, Julie Blackwood and Suzanne Lenhart , The effect of governance structures on optimal control of two-patch epidemic models, J. Math. Biol. 87, 74 (2023).

Qu, Zhuolin, Denis Patterson, Lauren M. Childs, Christina J. Edholm, Joan Ponce, Olivia Prosper, and Lihong Zhao, Modeling Immunity to Malaria with an Age-Structured PDE Framework, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (2023)

Ruth Efe, Reia Li, Omar Zintan Mwinila-Yuori, advisor: Christina J. Edholm, COVID-19, Crowdedness, and CMC Dining: An Agent-Based Model Approach to Reducing the Spread of COVID-19, SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (2022)

C. J. Edholm, C. Guiver, R. Rebarber, B. Tenhumberg, and S. Townley, Stabilization by Adaptive Feedback Control for Positive Difference Equations with Applications in Pest Management, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (2022)

Karen K. L. Hwang, Christina J. Edholm, Omar Saucedo, Linda J. S. Allen, and Nika Shakiba, A Hybrid Epidemic Model to Explore Stochasticity in COVID-19 Dynamics, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2022)

Edholm, C.J., Levy, B., Spence, L., Agusto, F.B., Chirove, F., Chukwu, C.W., Goldsman, D., Kgosimore, M., Maposa, I., White, K.J. and Lenhart, S., A vaccination model for COVID-19 in Gauteng, South Africa. Infectious Disease Modelling (2022)

Adams, Alison, Quiyana M. Murphy, Owen P. Dougherty, Aubrey M. Sawyer, Fan Bai, Christina J. Edholm, Evan P. Williams, Linda JS Allen, and Colleen B. Jonsson. Data-driven models for replication kinetics of Orthohantavirus infections. Mathematical Biosciences (2022): 108834.

Nika Shakiba, Christina J. Edholm, Blessing O. Emerenini, Anarina L. Murillo, Angela Peace, Omar Saucedo, Xueying Wang, Linda J. S. Allen, Effects of environmental variability on superspreading transmission events in stochastic epidemic models for MERS and Ebola, Infectious Disease Modeling (2021)

Danielle Burton, Suzanne Lenhart, Christina J. Edholm, Benjamin Levy, Michael L. Washington, Bradford R. Greening Jr., K. A. Jane White, Edward Lungu, Obias Chimbola, Moatlhodi Kgosimore, Faraimunashe Chirove, Marilyn Ronoh, M. Hellen Machingauta, A Mathematical Model of Contact Tracing During the 2014-2016 West African Ebola Outbreak,  Mathematics (2021), 9(6) 608

Christina J. Edholm, Mathematics for Social Justice: An interview with the editors - Gizem Karaali and Lily Khadjavi, In MAA FOCUS June/July, Mathematical Association of America, (2020) 16-18

Christina J. Edholm, Scott Le Fevre, Suzanne Lenhart, Benjamin Levy, Theresia Marijani, Abdul-Aziz Yakubu, Farai Nyabadza, Mathematical Modeling of Buruli Ulcers Disease Dynamics in Ghana, In Mathematics of Planet Earth: Protecting Our Planet, Learning from the Past, Safeguarding for the Future, Springer, (2019) 109-128

Christina J. Edholm, Blessing O. Emerenini, Anarina L. Murillo, Omar Saucedo, Nika Shakiba, Xueying Wang, Linda J. S. Allen, Angela Peace, Searching for superspreaders: Identifying epidemic patterns associated with superspreading events in stochastic models, In Understanding Complex Biological Systems with Mathematics, vol 14. Springer, (2018) 1-29

Christina J. Edholm, Richard Rebarer, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Chris Guiver, Stuart Townley, Yu Jin, Management of Invasive Insect Species using Optimal Control Theory, Ecological Modelling 381 (2018): 36-45.

Levy, B., Edholm, C., Gaoue, O., Kaondera-Shava, R., Kgosimore, M., Lenhart, S., Lephodisa, B., Lungu, E., Marijani, T., Nyabadza, F., Modeling the role of public health education in Ebola virus disease outbreaks in Sudan, Infectious Disease Modelling, (2017)

Chris Guiver, Christina Edholm, Yu Jin, Markus Mueller, Jim Powell, Richard Rebarber, Brigitte Tenhumberg, Stuart Townley, Simple adaptive control for positive linear systems with applications to pest management. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 76(1), (2016), 238D275

Tyler Massaro, Christina J. Edholm, Rachel Grotheer, Isabel Chen, Yiqiany Zheng, Howard Chen, Simone C. Gray, A county-level analysis of persons living with HIV in the southern United States, AIDS care 28, no. 2 (2016): 266-272.

Christina J. Edholm, Leslie Hogben, My Hyunh, Josh Lagrange, Darren Row, Vertex and edge spread of zero forcing number, maximum nullity, and minimum rank of a graph, Linear Algebra and its Application 436 (2012): 4352-4372